Equations and inequalities

What is an equation

What is an equation, how is an equation defined, what is the geoemtrical meaning of an equation.

Equivalent editing

What modifications to equations can we use without disturbing the validity of the equation. Addition, multiplication, exponentiation.

Linear equations

Description of the most basic equations, including methods of calculation in an equation with the unknown in the denominator or with the unknown in the absolute value. And the equation with a parameter has not been forgotten.

Quadratic equation

Solve different kinds of quadratic equations - purely quadratic, without an absolute term, and quadratic equations with all of the above, and solve through the dixriminant. The article also includes a quadratic calculator that calculates roots (including complex ones) from given arguments.

Bivadratic equations

Binomial equations

Linear inequalities

In particular, it describes the solution of two types of linear inequalities - ordinary ones and those that contain an unknown below the absolute value.

Quadratic inequalities

Several types of solutions mainly depending on the discriminant. Description of both numerical and graphical solution methods.

Exponential equations

We can solve an exponential equation by either a simple modification if possible, or we can use logarithm or substitution. All these methods are explained in the article.

Goniometric equations

How to solve goniometric equations by the direct method or by substitution. Sample examples.

Systems of equations

How to solve a system of linear equations, addition and addition method. For now, without solving using matrices.