Generalized non-deterministic finite automaton

Kapitoly: Regular expressions, Converting a regular expression to an automaton, Generalized NKA, Converting an automaton to a regular expression

A generalized nondeterministic finite automaton, abbreviated ZNKA, is a nondeterministic automaton that may not only have symbols from the language in the transitions, but may have a regular expression there.


We will need ZNKA during the algorithm to convert a finite automaton to a regular expression. Thus ZNKA is an NKA that has transitions defined by regular expressions. Example of such a ZNKA:

We can see that, for example, the transition from the state q2 leads to the state q3 and is denoted by the regular expression $a^\ast b$. Other requirements for ZNKA:

  • The initial state q0 must have a transition to all other states. In the figure we see that from the state q0 there are transitions to all other states.
  • There is only one end state in ZNKA and all other states have a transition to this state. As can be seen in the figure, all states have an arrow pointing to qf.
  • The initial state must not be the same as the end state. Thus, ZNKA can have at least two states.
  • All other states, except the initial and final states, must have transitions to all other states except the initial and final states. Including loops (transition from state qi to state qi).

Conversion of normal NKA to ZNKA

If we have an NKA, the conversion to ZNKA is straightforward.

  1. We create a new initial state qs and create an epsilon transition to the original initial state.
  2. We create a new end state qf and make epsilon transitions from all the original end states to the state qf. From the original end states, we make normal states.
  3. If there are multiple transitions somewhere (i.e., if we get from the state q1 to the state q2 via symbol 0 and via symbol 1), we merge these rules into a single regular expression and concatenate all the original symbols with the union operator (i.e., we mark the arrow with the regular expression 0|1).
  4. If the automaton is missing a transition that by definition should be there, we create it and mark it with the regular expression . This does not change the language that the automaton accepts, because such a transition is never made.

We can use this automaton to convert the automaton to a regular expression.