Divisibility of six

Kapitoly: Divisibility by two, Divisibility by three, Divisibility by four, Divisibility of five, Divisibility of six, Divisibility of seven, Divisibility of eight, Divisibility of nine, Divisibility of ten, Divisibility of eleven, Divisibility of twelve

How do we find out that a whole number is divisible by six? A number is divisible by six if it is both divisible by two and divisible by three. To recap:

  • An integer is divisible by two if the last digit is an even number, i.e., one of the digits 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8.
  • An integer is divisible by three if its digit sum is divisible by three.


  • The number 15 is divisible by three, but it is not divisible by two, so it is not divisible by six.
  • The number 22 is divisible by two, but it is not divisible by three, so it cannot be divisible by six.
  • The number 42 is divisible by two because it ends in 2 and is divisible by three because its digit sum is 6.