area of the parallelogram

Kapitoly: Area of the square, Area of the rectangle, Area of the circle, Area of the trapezoid, Area of the parallelogram, Area of the rhombus, Area of a regular n-gon, The surface of a sphere, The surface of a cube, The surface of a cuboid, Surface of a cylinder, The surface of a needle

By the volume of a parallelogram we mean the amount of area that the parallelogram occupies. A parallelogram is a figure that is similar to a rectangle but has two opposite sides that are skewed, see figure.

Let's label the lengths of the two different sides a and b. Next, we will need the height of v to one of the sides. Thus, if we have a height v, we can write that the area of the parallelogram, denoted by S, is equal to

$$\Large S = a \cdot v$$

The previous parallelogram has side lengths equal to a = 4, v = 2, so the content will be equal to

$$\Large S = 4 \cdot 2 = 8$$

Why is the formula the same as for the area of a rectangle? Because we can take the triangle that is over on the left side and move it to the right side where it is missing. The content doesn't change, but we already get a rectangle, so we can use the familiar formula.